Autumn Scene From Japan #2
by Masami IIDA
Buy the Original Painting
60.000 x 30.500 cm.
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Autumn Scene From Japan #2
Masami IIDA
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Daigoji (醍醐寺) is an important temple of the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism and a designated world heritage site. The large temple complex stands southeast of central Kyoto and includes an entire mountainside. The main temple grounds are located at the base of the mountain and are connected via a hiking trail to several more temple buildings around the summit.
Upon entering the main temple grounds, visitors will first come across the Sanboin, the elegant former residence of the head priest, which was originally constructed in 1115. The current building, along with its outstanding landscape garden dates to 1598 when it was reconstructed and expanded for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's famous cherry blossom viewing party held here. The building remains an excellent example of extravagant Momoyama architecture and should not be missed.
December 18th, 2020